Source code for pecg.ecg.Biomarkers

import numpy as np
from pecg.ecg.FiducialPoints import FiducialPoints
from pecg.ecg.IntervalsDuration import extract_intervals_duration
from pecg.ecg.WavesCharacteristics import extract_waves_characteristics
from pecg.ecg.Statistics import statistics
from pecg._ErrorHandler import _check_shape_, WrongParameter

[docs]class Biomarkers: def __init__(self, signal: np.array, fs: int, fiducials: dict): """ The purpose of the Biomarkers class is to calculate the biomarkers, we divided the morphological biomarkers into two main groups: intervals and waves. :param signal: The ECG signal as a ndarray. :param fs: The sampling frequency of the signal [Hz]. :param fiducials: Nested dictionary of leads - For every lead there is a dictionary that includes indexes for for each one of nine fiducials points. this nested dictionary can be calculated using the FiducialPoints module. .. code-block:: python import pecg from pecg.ecg import Biomarkers as Bm from pecg.ecg import FiducialPoints as Fp from pecg.Example import load_example signal, fs = load_example(ecg_type='12-lead') fp = Fp.FiducialPoints(signal, fs) matlab_pat = '/usr/local/MATLAB/R2021a' fiducials = fp.wavedet(matlab_pat) bm = Bm.Biomarkers(signal, fs, fiducials) ints, stat_i = bm.intervals() waves, stat_w = bm.waves() """ if fs <= 0: raise WrongParameter("Sampling frequency should be strictly positive") _check_shape_(signal, fs) self.signal = signal self.fs = fs self.fiducials = fiducials self.intervals_b = {} self.waves_b = {} self.intervals_statistics = {} self.waves_statistics = {}
[docs] def intervals(self): """ :return: * intervals_b: Dictionary that includes all the raw data, for the **Intervals and segments** biomarkers. * intervals_statistics: Dictionary that includes the mean, median, min, max, iqr and std, for every **Intervals and segments** biomarker. .. list-table:: **Intervals and segments**: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Biomarker - Description * - P-waveint - Time interval between P-on and P-off. * - PRint - Time interval between the P-on to the QRS-on. * - PRseg - Time interval between the P-off to the QRS-on. * - PRint2 - Time interval between P-peak and R-peak as defined by Mao et al. * - QRSint - Time interval between the QRS-on to the QRS-off. * - QTint - Time interval between the QRS-on to the T-off. * - QTcBint - Corrected QT interval (QTc) using Bazett’s formula. * - QTcFriint - QTc using the Fridericia formula. * - QTcFraint - QTc using the Framingham formula. * - QTcHint - QTc using the Hodges formula. * - T-waveint - Time interval between T-on and T-off. * - TPseg - Time interval between T-off and P-on. * - RRint - Time interval between sequential R-peaks. * - Rdep - Time interval betweem Q-on and R-peak. """ fs = self.fs fiducials = self.fiducials signal = self.signal if len(np.shape(signal)) == 2: [ecg_len, ecg_num] = np.shape(signal) intervals_b = {} intervals_statistics = {} for i in np.arange(ecg_num): if np.sum(fiducials[i]['qrs']) == 0: intervals_b[i] = np.nan intervals_statistics[i] = np.nan else: intervals_b[i] = extract_intervals_duration(fs, fiducials[i]) intervals_statistics[i] = statistics(intervals_b[i]) elif len(np.shape(signal)) == 1: if np.sum(fiducials[0]['qrs']) == 0: intervals_b = np.nan intervals_statistics = np.nan else: intervals_b = extract_intervals_duration(fs, fiducials[0]) intervals_statistics = statistics(intervals_b) self.intervals_b = intervals_b self.intervals_statistics = intervals_statistics return self.intervals_b, self.intervals_statistics
[docs] def waves(self): """ :return: * waves_b: Dictionary that includes all the raw data, for every **Wave characteristic** biomarker. * wave_statistics: Dictionary that includes the mean, median, min, max, iqr and std, for every **Wave characteristic** biomarker. .. list-table:: **Waves**: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Biomarker - Description * - P-wave - Amplitude difference between P-peak and P-off. * - T-wave - Amplitude difference between T-peak on and T-off. * - R-wave: - R-peak amplitude. * - P-waveArea - P-wave interval area defined as integral from the P-on to the P-off. * - T-waveArea - T-wave interval area defined as integral from the T-on to the T-off. * - QRSArea - QRS interval area defined as integral from the QRS-on to the QRS-off. * - STseg - Amplitude difference between QRS-off and T-on. * - J-point - Amplitude in 40ms after QRS-off as defined by Hollander et al. """ signal = self.signal fs = self.fs fiducials = self.fiducials if len(np.shape(signal)) == 2: [ecg_len, ecg_num] = np.shape(signal) waves_b = {} waves_statistics = {} for i in np.arange(ecg_num): if np.sum(fiducials[i]['qrs']) == 0: waves_b[i] = np.nan waves_statistics[i] = np.nan else: waves_b[i] = extract_waves_characteristics(signal[:,i], fs, fiducials[i]) waves_statistics[i] = statistics(waves_b[i]) elif len(np.shape(signal)) == 1: if np.sum(fiducials[0]['qrs']) == 0: waves_b = np.nan waves_statistics = np.nan else: waves_b = extract_waves_characteristics(signal,fs, fiducials[0]) waves_statistics = statistics(waves_b) self.waves_b = waves_b self.waves_statistics = waves_statistics return self.waves_b, self.waves_statistics